About buildABILITY Corporation

buildABILITY provides a variety of services - from training to consulting to research. With a focus on helping clients to adapt to change, buildABILITY inspires action by building knowledge and capacity. Since 1983, members of the buildABILITY team have been involved in projects commissioned by various organizations including national and provincial governments, housing authorities, utilities, trade associations, builders, developers, and product manufacturers. Areas of specialization include technical analysis, including building codes and energy efficiency, market analysis, benchmark analysis, regulatory activities, standards development, and program development.
buildABILITY understands the needs of the production builder. From 2002 to present, members of the bA team led the Building Canada team to assist some of Canada’s largest builders in improving building performance and reducing construction time and cost. Building Canada is a federally sponsored initiative that assists builders to improve their operations, construction and their houses. Many of Canada’s largest builders have participated in Building Canada. In a number of cases the team has successfully reduced the cost of an R-2000 upgrade to zero. bA has developed background studies for building codes, ENERGY STAR, and R2000 to aid next generation development. bA is proud to be lead consultant and project manager of Canada’s largest Net Zero low-rise residential demonstration project.